Chapter 3 - A Long Road Ahead

Laban felt conspicuous as he entered the common house. Last time he was here he had been focused on a mysterious stranger and didn't realize how out of place he should feel.

While the Svirfneblin are generally reclusive and do not socialize with other races, they recover immense wealth in gems and precious metals which are traded with select outsiders for things that cannot be found in the subterranean community.

It seemed to Laban that all the foreign traders must be staying at the common house tonight because he was overwhelmed by the alien faces that glanced his way. It was a strange comfort to see Drizzt sitting in the corner with another shadowy figure.

The men rose before he Laban could reach their table and Drizzt nodded towards the back door. Laban met them at the back of the room and followed them out the door, through the kitchen busy with staff preparing the next meal, and out another door into a back alley.

There was no surprise in Drizzt's face as he turned to Laban and said, "Welcome to the Shadow Council. We have a long journey ahead."